Category: Music

  • 2018 Albums So Far

    It’s been a while since I’ve done a music post. Now that it’s basically summer, here’s what has come out this year so far that I’ve been listening to a lot. Dirty Computer by Janelle Monáe Our confirmed bicon is back with an album that lived up to all my hopes and dreams.  “Make Me […]

  • 2017 So Far

    Phew. It’s been a while. I had a rough winter which involved being sick a lot. My reading thankfully did not suffer, but pretty much everything else did. Including this blog, obviously. Hopefully with things getting a little better and with all the reading I’m doing, I’ll get more posts in. I also have lots […]

  • Book Mix: The Square Root of Summer

    Book Mix: The Square Root of Summer

    The Square Root of Summer by Harriet Reuter Hapgood Release Date: May 3, 2016 Publisher: Roaring Brook Press Format: Hardcover Genres: Young Adult Fiction, Contemporary, Science Fiction, Romance Ratings:    A common occurrence for me is reserving a book at the library and then, once it becomes available, having no recollection of what the book is about […]

  • Now Listening: New Albums Galore

    Now Listening: New Albums Galore

    A bunch of albums I had been highly anticipating all came out around the same time and none of them let me down. Here they are: Second Love by Emmy the Great I absolutely adore Emma-Lee Moss. She’s made three albums that all have their own distinct sound (she’s landed in an alternative singer-songwriter electronic hybrid […]

  • Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Songs (Or Albums) I Wish Were Books

    This Top Ten Tuesday combines both topics this blog centers on. There are a zillion songs and albums I’d love to see in book form so it was a bit of a struggle to pick ten. I tried not to overthink it and put down what jumped out at me as I quickly scrolled through iTunes. The […]