Ten Books Set Outside the US
A lot of the books I read set outside the US tend to be set in somewhere in the British Isles or a fantasy land. That made this week’s theme a tad bit difficult as I didn’t want to repeat locations. However, I managed to pick ten books that take place in ten different countries (or the rough equivalent.) I […]
Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books On My Spring TBR
Getting to sit outside and read is one of my favorite things about the warmer weather. I take my lunch breaks to read by the fountains at City Hall. So I’ve already been building a mental list of all the books I’d love to read out in the springtime weather. To narrow this down a […]
Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Songs (Or Albums) I Wish Were Books
This Top Ten Tuesday combines both topics this blog centers on. There are a zillion songs and albums I’d love to see in book form so it was a bit of a struggle to pick ten. I tried not to overthink it and put down what jumped out at me as I quickly scrolled through iTunes. The […]
Top Ten Tuesday: YA and Children’s Lit to Adult Fiction
Top Ten Tuesday was started over at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there’s a different theme, but today is a freebie week. Inspired by the latest book in the Mediator series, I’m doing top ten YA and Children books I’d like to see an adult follow up to. For a lot of these, […]